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2006, Vol 1 No 2, Article 8

Management of Recurrent Cervical Prolapse

in a Pleuriparous Cow in Estrum- A Case report

Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Fazili
Assistant Professor, Division of Veterinary Surgery
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Alusteng, Srinagar, Kashmir, India


Typically, prolapse of the vagina is a condition of the ruminants in late gestation. Occasionally it is seen after parturition and rarely it occurs unconnected with pregnancy or parturition (Arthur et. al., 1993). In this paper attempt has been made to put on record a case of recurrent prolapse of cervix in a pleuriparous cow in estrum.


A crossbred Jersey cow aged thirteen years having calved tenth time eight months ago was presented with the history that some mass protruded through the vaginal orifice during recumbancy when the cow was in the heat a fortnight ago. The prolapse had been retained by vaginal sutures applied by a Para veterinarian. These sutures dislodged by the cow a week later and the prolapse recurred the next day. On clinical examination the animal had normal temperature, pulse and respiration.  Its surface had only minor injuries. The animal was standing with little straining.


Epidural anesthesia with six ml of 2% procaine hydrochloride (Novacaine) was achieved. The prolapsed mass was washed clean, dressed with povidone iodine (Wokadine) lotion and replaced. The replaced cervix was retained by the Buhnr’s technique (Arthur et. al., 1993 and Roberts, 1982). Supportive therapy included administration of Thiacla, 450ml intravenously; 10ml each of pheneramine maleate (Avil), oxytetracycline hydrochloride (Wolicycline DS) and diclofenac sodium (Zobid) were given intramuscularly for three days. 10ml injectable phosphorus (Tonoricin) was given intramuscularly on third post-operative day. The owner was advised to stall the animal on a forward slope.
On the next heat, two weeks later the animal showed recurrence of the prolapse. Yhe Buhner’s nylon tape was found intact yet whole of the cervix has prolapsed through it. The replacement of the prolapse was effected with some difficulty under epidural anesthesia. Buhner’s technique was supplemented by Caslick’s vuvloplasty (Arthur loc. cit, Khar loc. cit). Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy was continued for three days.


The animal did not show recurrence of prolapse during six months of the observation period. The condition has been reported to occur in older cows and buffaloes after several calvings (Khar loc. cit.). it has been suggested that the anatomical anchorage of the genital tract is less efficient in affected animals (Arthur loc. cit). Deficiency of calcium and a disturbed calcium and phosphorus ration has been observed in both cows and buffaloes with antepartum prolapse of the vagina (Khar loc. cit). The ligamentous relaxation due to predominance of estrogens may increase the mobility of the vagina (Arthur loc. cit). The main ovarian hormones produced during proestrus and oestrus being estrogen might have lead to the prolapse. According to Arthur (loc. cit) Buhner’s technique is the best means of retaining the replaced vagina. This technique along with calcium and phosphorus supplementation failed to give the desired effect in the present case where the prolapsed organ mainly involved cervix (but not vagina only) and had occurred unrelated to pregnancy or parturition. Therefore Caslick’s operation had to be conducted additionally for achieving the desired effect.


  1. Arthur, GH; Noakes, DE; and Pearson, H (1988). Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics, 6th Ed., Bailliere Tindall, London, (p127-131)

  2. Khar, SK; Mannari, MN and Singh, J (1993). Ruminant Surgery, 1st Ed., Editor Tyagi, RPS et. al., CBS Publishers & Disributors, Delhi (p291-295)

  3. Roberts, SJ (1982). Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases, 2nd (Indian) Ed., CBS Publishers & Disributors, India (p189-196)

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