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Ocular Dermoid Cyst in a neonate Calf

Posted by Anjum Andrabi on January 14th, 2009

A day-old calf was presented at the veterinary clinic with bilateral corneo-scleral dermoid cysts which were completely occluding the lid opening and rendering the calf  blind. The cysts extended from the cornea , partially covering it; and travelling medially fusing with the third eye lid.

A surgical procedure was attempted on the calf with the aim to one, remove as much of the mass of the cyst as possible so as to remove the obstruction to light and second. to peel off the dermal layers containing the follicles as close as possible to the cornea/sclera so as to prevent regrowth of hair follicles. Sutures were placed to promote fusing of the raw tissues with the lower eyelid.


The first four pictures show the extent of the cyst and occlusion due to it

dermoid cyst corneo scleral calf





Sutures were placed through the tissue buldge and later the tissue excised.




The upper layers of the skin are sliced through to promote fibrosis and prevent hair growth.





Finally an almost proper opening between eyelids



Posted in Pathological, Surgeries | 2 Comments »

Acute Mastitis in a doe

Posted by Anjum Andrabi on January 7th, 2009

This nanny goat was presented with acute inflammation of both the quarters. It was put on NSAID’s and a broad spectrum Cephalosporin. Udder secretions were sent for culture sensitivity testing. 




Posted in Pathological | 1 Comment »

Central Veterinary Hospital, Srinagar – In need of critical care

Posted by maverick on November 30th, 2008

Housed in a shed at the Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Red Cross Road, Srinagar the Central Veterinary Hospital is supposed to be the most sophisticated and the only referral hospital in the Valley.

Its pitiable state is a reflection of the priorities of people in the corridors of power.

central veterinary hospital, srinagar

central veterinary hospital, srinagar

central veterinary hospital, srinagar

central veterinary hospital, srinagar

Where development is marked by the number of cars and jeeps the department has rather than the quality of the service it is supposed to render.

Posted in General | 3 Comments »