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Archive for the 'General' Category

Poultry Pathology Museum – 2 of 7

Posted by Anjum Andrabi on 1st September 2008

Advanced dermatitis of the feet (scaly leg) due to Knemidocoptes mutans infestation

Advanced dermatitis of the feet (scaly leg) due to Knemidocoptes mutans infestation

Hyperkeratosis of the planter surface of the feet associated with pantothenic acid or biotin deficiency

Hyperkeratosis of the planter surface of the feet associated with pantothenic acid or biotin deficiency

The long bones of chicks with rickets can be bent without fracture

The long bones of chicks with rickets can be bent without fracture

Vent peck and disembowelment in cage-housed hens can be avoided by careful beak trimming and control of light intensity

Vent peck and disembowelment in cage-housed hens can be avoided by careful beak trimming and control of light intensity

Enlarged yellow yolk sac, typical of omphalitis in a 3 day old chick

Enlarged yellow yolk sac, typical of omphalitis in a 3 day old chick

Grossly enlarged yolk sac of a chick showing red tinged contents associated with omphalitis

Grossly enlarged yolk sac of a chick showing red tinged contents associated with omphalitis

Regression of the ovary in a mature hen due to Salmonella pullorum infection

Regression of the ovary in a mature hen due to Salmonella pullorum infection

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Hangul – Facing extinction?

Posted by Anjum Andrabi on 30th August 2008

The Hangul is the state animal of Jammu and Kashmir. They are also called as Barasingha, the Kashmiri name Hangul is derived from the Stags’ love for horse chestnuts (Aesculus indica – Han in Kashmiri) .

The Hangul weigh upto 400 lbs and grow antlers as large as 47 inches in length. They have been declared endangered and their numbers have dwindled over the years. The Dachigam National Park is the official reserve for their protection. However, in absence of quality veterinary-medical support and any captive breeding program, is it a matter of time before we will see them in pictures only?

hangul in dachigam facing extinction

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Thank the doc! Animals show gratitude too…..

Posted by Anjum Andrabi on 30th August 2008

bear hugging a vet

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