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Archive for the 'General' Category

Nostalgia! With petrol scarce old means of transport are bound to resurface

Posted by Anjum Andrabi on 12th August 2008

Horse ride at Kahnyar

Near the shrine of Pir Dastageer Sahib (RA) at Khanyar, Srinagar

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Milking of Pashmina Goats, Ladakh

Posted by Anjum Andrabi on 3rd August 2008


Pashmina goats in the upper reaches of Ladakh division produce not only the famous pashmina wool but also provide fairly good milk. The goats are bundled together and tied by their horns while they are milked from the behind.

Pasmina goat milking technique

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Pigeon breeding – a declining hobby

Posted by Anjum Andrabi on 3rd August 2008


Pigeons were considered to be of ‘Saintly disposition’ by Kashmiris, and it was not infrequent to see attics converted in to homes and nests for them. But now with more and more modern and concrete structures, these birds are a long way from home..

pigeon, breeding, kashmir

pigeon, breeding, kashmir

pigeon, breeding, kashmir

pigeon, breeding, kashmir

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